FPPC June 2022 Minutes

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8EP
E-mail: clerk@dsjpc.co.uk
Tel: 01778 343266
Webpage: //deeping-st-james.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk Facebook: Deeping St James Parish Council
Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum

The minutes of the Finance, Policy and Personnel Committee meeting held in the meeting room at the Institute 38 Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD at 7.00pm on Tuesday 7 June 2022.

Present: Councillors Bowell, Gilbert, Halls and Thomas. The Parish Clerk took the Minutes.

23.1   To elect a Chair.

It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that Councillor Bowell should remain Chairperson for this committee.

23.2   To receive apologies of absence.

Apologies had been received and accepted from Councillors Hosking, Shinkins-Hoppe and Stevens.

23.3   To receive any declarations of interest. None declared.

23.4   To adopt the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 6 January 2022. Agreed and signed as a true copy

23.5   To receive the Clerk’s report.

The Barclays Bank mandate remains unchanged however this should be easier to change now that the Chairperson for the Council is Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe who is a named signatory – the Clerk to action.

The Unity Trust savings account is yet to be opened but the Clerk is now in a position to  do this as the required documentation has been made available by the two Councillors. Approving Councillor Little as an additional verifier for Unity Trust Online can be completed online – the Clerk to action.

District Councillor Dilks ward grant of £250 for the group ‘Men in Sheds’ remains in the Parish Council’s reserve account. It is understood that one of the groups volunteers is opening an account for the group – the Clerk to chase.

A balance of £2,546.56 remains in the Parish Council account in respect of the Deepings Business Support Grant funding. Clarity is needed as to whether this is to be distributed to local Charities or returned to the Parish and Town Council. Councillor Gilbert to provide the groups constitution and minutes to confirm which.

The staffing sub-committee meeting due to meet on to consider the independent HR Company’s review of the staff contracts and staff handbook was postponed and needs to be rearranged.

23.6   To receive an update on the Parish Council’s current financial position.

It was noted that as at 31 May 2022 the Parish Council held £234,110.21 across 3 bank accounts. General reserves were £50,000 and earmarked reserves were £73,800.

23.7   To receive and consider reports on the Parish Council’s income and expenditure from 1 April 2022 to date.
The contents of these reports were noted with no concerns being raised other than Councillor Bowell commenting that there had been an overspend on the two recent community events – the annual parish meeting and making a difference award presentation evening and the platinum Jubilee Beacon Lighting.

23.8   To consider the Internal Auditors report for the financial year 2021/22. The Internal Auditor had raised three comments –

The question of banking is considered regularly at Financial and General Purposes Committee meeting as the Council looks for better deposit interest rates. (They may wish to consider the Cambridge Building society which offers a Council saver Account currently paying 0.2%).

Councillor Bowell had investigated the Internal Auditors suggestion of opening an account with Cambridge Building Society but felt it was not an option as the interest rate was no better than at Barclays Bank. It was noted that the interest rate at Unity Trust was 0.35% and the Parish Council had already resolved to open a savings account with them. The Clerk was asked to try to contact Barclays Bank account as the interest of £8.83 received in the Savings account did not reflect the interest being advertised for that account.

During this year two payments were made by cheque. £250 as a donation to The Poppy Appeal and one other cheque for £15 for the transfer of a shed from one tenant to another on the allotments.

It was agreed that in future payments on behalf of former allotment tenants should not be handled by the Parish Council in any form.

Contracts read that “Exceptional Additional Hours required to be worked must be approved by the Council but the following is minuted: -

The Clerk has authority to agree additional hours for the Maintenance Workers and Assistant Clerk when work it is required to be done urgently, up to a maximum cost of £200 in any one instance. (F&GP Committee minutes 21st July 2011 (21.11) Full council meeting 28th July 2011 (minute 40.12). I cannot find mention of the above being amended but understand that this is currently under review.

The staffing sub-committee are due to meet to review the contracts and staff handbook so this would be reviewed within this.

23.9   To consider the insurance renewal and agree any changes or amendments to the policy.

Councillor Bowell advised that he had read through the insurance schedule and raised the following issues

-   Regalia was currently insured under office equipment and he felt that it should be covered separately as it is taken from the office

-   The ancient monument known as the Village Cross and Lockup which the Parish Council owned does not appear on the insurance schedule and he feels that it should as if it was damaged it would need to be repaired.

Councillor Gilbert stated that obtaining a valuation for the Village Cross may prove costly and but agreed it should be included on the Parish Council’s asset register and on the insurance schedule with a value of £150,000.

The Parish Clerk was asked to contact the Insurers and agree these changes to the cover.

-   The insurance schedule states that signage at skateparks and playgrounds should include certain information.

Councillor Bowell offered to complete an audit of all signage providing a digital photo of each to ensure it complied if not it should be updated.

23.10   To review the following policies: The following changes were agreed.

-Standing Orders
The wording ‘The public notice giving the time, place and agenda for such a meeting must be signed by the two councillors’ added to point 6 d). Procurement thresholds updated under points 18 f) and g).

- Financial Regulations

The wording that are not included in the agreed budget of a duly delegated committee added to point 4 .1after the council for all items over £5,000

The wording expenditure of a revenue or capital nature without recourse to the Council providing the expenditure is contained within the previously approved annual budget for the Committee and reported to the next Council meeting added to point 4.1 after a duly delegated committee of the council for and the wording items over £1000 be removed The wording or duly delegated committee to be removed from point 4.2

-Risk Assessment and management

Add the wording Certificate of Employers Liability Insurance displayed in the Parish Council’s office in the control column of Employer liability

-Risk Assessment form

The wording by the maintenance team between Annually, PPE is checked and to ensure it is adequate and fit for purpose added to point 2

The wording by the maintenance team and outside providers added to point 5

-Health and Safety

Add The Village Cross and Lockup, Eastgate, Deeping St James to point 2.2

23.11   To agree the date of the next meeting – 7.45pm Tuesday 16 August 2022.