FGPC June 2021 Minutes

Deeping St James Parish Council
The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, Peterborough PE6 8HD
e-mail: clerk.dsjpc@btconnect.com    Tel: 01778 343266 

Webpage: deeping-st-james.parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk
Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum

The minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting held on Thursday 3 June 2021 at 7.00pm held at The Institute.

Present: Councillors Bowell, Halls, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens, Thomas, Little and the Assistant Clerk.
The Assistant Clerk took the minutes in the absence of the Clerk.

22.1    To elect a Chairperson.
It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that Councillor Bowell should remain as Chairperson.
22.2    To receive apologies of absence.
Apologies had been received and were accepted from Councillors Gilbert and Hosking. 

22.3    To receive any declarations of interest.
None declared.

22.4    To adopt the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 19 November 
Agreed as true copy to be signed at a later date.

22.5    To receive the Clerk’s report.
No report was given.

22.6    To receive a report of the current financial position.
No questions or concerns were raised.

22.7    To review the list of payment made regularly by direct debit and standing
The Councillors reviewed and agreed the list of Standing Orders and Direct Debits.

22.8    To review the Parish Council’s Standing Orders.
Councillor Bowell had reviewed the parish council’s standing orders and shared the amended document with the committee members for comment. 

It was agreed that section:

1G would be deleted
An amendment shall not be considered unless early verbal notice of it is given at the meeting and, if requested by the chairperson of the meeting, is expressed in writing to the chairperson.

4D6 would be deleted as it is covered in section 7.
Shall, after it has appointed the members of a standing committee, appoint the chairperson of the standing committee;

27 AFO 4 and 5, discussion ensued about proper procedure and leaving an audit trail.  It was decided to get the Clerk’s thoughts as these regulations could be affected by not only budgeting plants for planters but dog shows/carols in the park/grass cutting/benches etc.

27 P&T 6  would be deleted.
The 3 occasions of the year (February, August and December) when the Planning and Transport Committee meeting is not followed by other Committees, will be extended meetings to allow for Transport agenda items.  However, this would not preclude urgent Transport items being considered at other Planning and Transport meetings where necessary.

28 AFO 2 do not add clause.
Preparation and amendments to the Allotments Tenancy Agreements as necessary in consultation with the Allotments Association.

22.9    To review the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations.
4.  Budget Control and Authority to Spend.
The suggestion was to increase the £500 Budgetary Control and Authority to spend limit to £1,000 and this was recommended to bring to Full Council.

5  Banking Arrangements and Authorisation of Payments.
5.8  Discussion was had regarding the meaning of this clause and clarification is to be sought from the Clerk.

6  Instructions for making payments.
6.20  Sentence would be deleted.
Personal credit or debit cards of members or staff shall not be used under any circumstances.

11 Contracts
11 e&f  Discussion was had about how Tendering works.  Clarification was requested from the Clerk.  It was suggested that if the process was as described in the procedure, then we should keep the clause, if not then we should change it.

18 Suspension and Revision of Financial Regulations
18.1  It was agreed to replace Council with Finance and General Purposes Committee, but also, to add to report to Full Council.

22.10    To consider setting up gov.uk emails for staff and Councillors in accordance with the National Association of Local Councils Joint Practitioner’s Guide to Accountability and Governance Guide of March 2021.
It was agreed that the Clerk would speak to the I.T. support technician for advice on how to go forward, for the next F&GP meeting.

22.11    To agree a timetable to review all other policies throughout the financial year.
It was agreed that the Clerk should be involved with reviewing the policies.  Councillor Bowell is to look at the spreadsheet of policies and contact the Clerk.  

22.12    To agree the date of the next meeting – 7.45pm Thursday 21 October 2021.

The meeting ended at 8.20pm.