FGPC August 2019 Minutes

Deeping St James Parish Council

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, Peterborough PE6 8HD

e-mail: clerk.dsjpc@btconnect.com

Tel: 01778 343266

Webpage: parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/deepingstjames

Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum


The minutes of the meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee held on Thursday 22 August 2019 at 7.45pm at The Institute.

Present: Councillors Blessett, Bowell, Gilbert, Hardy, Hosking, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens, Thomas and Boreham

Assistant Clerk


12.20 To receive apologies of absence.

Apologies were received from Councillor Halls


13.20 To receive any declarations of interest.

Declaration of Interest received from Councillor Stevens (item 24.20)


14.20 To adopt the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 23 May 2019

Agreed and signed as a true copy by the Chair


15.20 To receive a report of matters arising from the minutes not dealt with elsewhere on the agenda.

Councillor Hosking asked why this agenda item did not appear on any full-council agenda and if it could be in future or if not should it be removed from other committee agendas – confirmation to be sought from the clerk


16.20 To consider providing Councillors and Clerks/staff with

a) a parish council email address,

b) access to parish council documentation on a secure shared drive, and

c) a tablet-style device to use for parish council emails, access to shared drive and use at parish council meetings to access information and record information, as appropriate

Councillor Boreham explained to the committee, following her recent attendance at a ‘New Councillor Training’ course, that a discussion had been held around IT security. Consideration was given to the current IT package that DSJPC have and what, if any, changes were required to ensure improvements. Confidentiality, virus protection, the need to keep the use of paper to a minimum along with the reduction in email traffic was discussed.

It was agreed to recommend to Full Council that all councillors be provided with a parish council email address.

It was agreed to recommend to Full Council that a central access point be made available to store documents, with access given to all councillors.

It was agreed to recommend to Full Council that if using a device to view parish council information, a security app be installed.

It was agreed to recommend to Full Council that the parish council either purchase or lease a device for any councillor who does not have access to their own device, if necessary. Councillor Boreham left the meeting


17.20 To receive a report on income and expenditure to date

The figures on the reports provided were noted


18.20 To receive a report on the Internal Auditor’s findings and consider future requirements

The report was noted with a concern raised to the bank review. The committee were informed by one councillor that when logging into their own account, because they were a signatory for the parish council, they are able to view the parish council account – this was thought to be beneficial.


19.20 To consider the revised Strategic plan

The assistant clerk was asked to make two amendments to the strategic plan that has been proof read by Councillors Bowell, Halls and Shinkins-Hoppe. It will then be distributed to all and a recommendation made to Full Council that the strategic plan be adopted.


20.20 To consider the terms of reference and delegated powers for this committee that are within the Parish Council’s Standing Orders

It was agreed by all that this agenda item be deferred for future discussion


21.20 To consider the Parish Council’s future banking arrangements.

It was agreed that further discussion with the Clerk, as RFO, was needed before a final decision could be made but other bank account options should be explored and enquiries be made as to whether the parish council could have a savings account with TSB.

Recommend to Full Council that there should be an increase in the limit for spending on the credit card to £500.


22.20 To review the Parish Council’s risk management policy and risk register

It was agreed by all that this agenda item be deferred for future discussion


23.20 To consider whether to employ a member of staff or use a contractor to complete the grounds maintenance of the Cemetery from 2020 onwards

Councillor Thomas thanked Councillor Bowell for his work in preparing the ‘Cemetery Keeper Costs’ document. A contractor has been used for many years to tend the cemetery which until recent years has proved to be satisfactory. The options between using a contractor as opposed to employing a member of staff were discussed with the decision to refer this agenda item back to The Cemetery committee for future consideration prior to them making a recommendation to Full Council.


24.20 To consider the minutes of the staffing sub-committee held on 15 August 2019

All agreed by a vote that this agenda item be discussed in closed session. Councillor Hosking informed the committee of the staffing sub-committee minutes and it was agreed to advise Full Council that they will need to consent to pay any necessary expenses arising from the matters discussed.


25.20 Date of next meeting – 7.45pm 24 October 2019


Meeting closed at 9.35pm