CC September 2024 DRAFT Minutes

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8HD
Tel: 01778 343266
Webpage: //
Facebook: Deeping St James Parish Council

Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum

The minutes of the Cemetery Committee meeting held on Tuesday 3 September 2024 at 7.00pm in the meeting at the Institute.
Present: Councillors Halls, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens and Townsin. 
The minutes were taken by Julie Fortnum, the Parish Clerk.  
25.10 To receive apologies of absence. 
No apologies had been received . 
Councillor Hosking was not present.
25.11 To receive any declarations of interest. 
None declared. 
25.12 To agree the minutes of the last meeting held on Tuesday 4 June 2024.
Agreed and signed. 
25.13 Clerks report and any update from the previous minutes. 
Since the Cemetery committee last met on 4 June 2024 there have been 6 interments of cremated remains (2 in the grave of a relative, 2 in a triple depth plot, 1 in a double depth plot and 1 in a single depth plot) and 3 burials (with 3 reservations alongside). A further burial is to take place on Wednesday 4 September 2024. 
Following the interment of ashes of two individuals in a double grave space in section B of the Cemetery a wooden surround has been placed on the graves. The regulations for this section of the Cemetery does allow kerb edgings and foot stones but does not stipulate the material – all the others are stone. It has been agreed by the Chair of the Cemetery committee and the Chair of the Council that this will be allowed to remain in-situ providing the Family maintain the area. Should it fall into disrepair it will be removed. The Clerk has contact details for two of the family members should there be any concerns. 
Work to remove the Conifers on the boundary of 1 Burghley Close and the old Cemetery will be completed on Thursday 6 September with large branches being removed and chippings being left. 
A visitor to the Cemetery has contacted the Clerk a year on from their previous contact noting that the slabbed path has not improved - uneven and weedy – despite being told that work would hopefully take place during autumn/winter 23/24 
A visitor to the Cemetery has contacted the Clerk requesting the hedge at the rear of the Section E of the Cemetery is cut more regularly as it severely encroaches the memorial tablet of their relative. The restrictions on hedge cutting times were explained to them and one of the maintenance staff was asked to trim back area near this memorial, checking first for wildlife.  
The Cemetery maintenance person has requested that the Parish Council purchase some wild flower seed to enhance the areas of the Cemetery that are left uncut. The Parish Council would need to agree what areas these were sown on.
ACTION: the Clerk was asked to speak to the Cemetery maintenance person about sourcing the wildflowers seeds and if he was able to sow them, with some daffodils dotted in among them. If advice was needed Councillor Stevens would talk to the Deepings Lions who had completed a successful wilding project on Douglas Road Market Deeping. 
25.14 To receive an update about the relaying of the slabbed footpaths in section E  laying of a footpath in the recently extended section of the Cemetery (section F). 
It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that as there were some funds available in the budgets that the quotation of £5931 obtained from Grounded Landscapes for the relaying of the slabbed path in section D/E of the Cemetery should be accepted and a date for the work to be completed agreed. 
ACTION: Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe volunteered to speak to the contractor to see if they would hold the price of £9332.26, which they had quoted for the new slab path in section F, until April 2025 at which point the Parish Council would be in a position to complete that work. 
If the contractor agreed to hold the price until April 2025 it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that it should be accepted and a date for the work to be completed agreed.  
25.15 To consider offering cremated remains plots with the opportunity to plant a rose tree to form an avenue.
Councillor Stevens had visited a large European Cemetery which offered the opportunity for a small rose tree to be planted in memory of the deceased forming an avenue of trees. A photo was shared for information. Although it was acknowledged that it did look very appealing the Committee agreed that Deeping St James Cemetery was not large enough to be a suitable location for this.
25.16 To consider the current Cemetery regulations regarding headstone materials (natural and manmade) and graveside memorabilia following advice from the British Register of Accredited Memorial Masons 
The committee agreed that the Clerk should add some wording to the current Cemetery regulations to exclude artificial stone, ceramic or acrylic plastic memorials 
25.17 To receive a report showing the spend against the 2024/25 budget.





Grounds maintenance





Water rates








Bolt on gate needs attention












Burial fees



500.00 Cheque to be banked and 600.00 expected on 4 September


Memorial fees










It was noted that some tree work was scheduled to be completed in the old Cemetery on Thursday 4 September 2024 and that this would be paid for from the
maintenance of trees and hedges budget found in the recreation and opens spaces cost centre (cost code H508) 
25.18 To consider the budget requirements for 2025/26.



Grounds maintenance



Water rates









Burial fees


Memorial fees




The committee accepted that these were provisional figures subject to change when
setting the 2024/25 precept. 
It was RESOLVED to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matter.
24.19 To receive an update about the request or exhumation following the burial in a grave reserved for another. 
To date no application for exhumation has been forwarded to the Ministry of Justice and communication continues between the grave owner and the Parish Council office regarding this matter.
It was RESOLVED to move out of closed session. 
25.20 To note the date of the next meeting – 7pm Tuesday 7 January 2025
It was acknowledged that an extra meeting may be arranged if required.