AFOS June 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Allotments, Footpaths and Open Spaces Committee held at The Institute on Thursday 17 June 2021 at 8:00pm.


Present: Councillors Bowell, Fowler, Hall, Halls, Robinson, Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens (District).

Louise Brown - Assistant Clerk taking Minutes, Julie Fortnum – Clerk.



01.22              To elect a Chairperson.

It was proposed by Cllr Stevens, seconded by Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe and agreed by all that Cllr Halls should be elected as Chairperson.


02.22              To receive apologies for absence.

Councillor Thomas.


03.22              To receive declarations of interest, if any.

None were received.


04.22              To adopt the minutes of the meeting held Monday 26 April 2021.

The Minutes were agreed as a true copy and signed.


05.22              To receive reports from the Clerk.

Water tanks at plot 5 and 57 both are leaking.  A maintenance worker has been advised,

he has been to view and is in the process of fixing them.  It has been asked if the

problems could be reported as soon as it is spotted, as a float was broken on

this occasion in someone else’s attempt to fix it. A further problem regarding a tank has

been mentioned, but not yet reported as to where the problem is.


An email was sent to the tenant wishing to keep bees with a local farmers details for them to approach if they wished.


A letter was sent to the tenant who consistently parks inconsiderately; nothing has been heard back, but it appears that it has had an effect so far.


An allotment inspection was held on 28 May 2021 where a general email was sent praising tenants on the positive state of their plots, asking people to be aware of the weeds, to pick up any laying wood to prevent rats from nesting and to clear the boundaries of there plots of wood/storage bags/weeds.


There are 22 plots that have been requested to give their plots further attention.


Two allotment plots have been discussed and ideas put forward about how to manage the situations at present.


06.22              To receive and discuss the report from the Allotments Association and

make any recommendations to Council.

The Allotments Association Report was reviewed by the Councillors.

Points 7 and 8 were discussed later in the meeting.




07.22.            To discuss the offer from SKDC to gift Jubilee Park to the Council.

The Councillors decided to defer this topic to possibly July’s Full Council Meeting, after collecting more information.


08.22              To consider providing bulbs and a tree to replace a tree that was

previously removed in Wade Park Avenue, behind the school.

The Committee agreed that a Crab Apple Tree and some bulbs would be provided in the

Autumn, to replace the tree that was previously removed.


09.22             To receive an update on rewilding on the green space at Fraser Close.

No update had been received, so this topic has been deferred to another occasion.



10.22.            To agree the wording of the amendments to the Tenancy Agreement.

It was RECOMMENDED to Full Council that a review of the Tenancy Agreement should

be delegated to Cllrs Halls and Rose.


11.22.            To discuss ideas for using the planters at the Allotment Site.

The Allotment Association has asked to remove two planters from plot 32B (Council plot),

the Committee have considered that half the plot be given to the Allotment Association

and half to a new tenant, subject to the Allotments Association removing any unwanted

material.  It was RECOMMENDED to bring this to Full Council.


12.22              To receive an update regarding repairs to Car Park and roads at the


Cllr Fowler reported that it has been difficult finding contractors to complete the work for

the Allotments Car Park.  Two contractors have been approached for quotations and

currently neither have supplied one.  Councillors offered further suggestions of places to



13.22.            To agree date of next meeting.

23 September 2021