AFOS September 2018 Minutes

Deeping St James Parish Council

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, Peterborough PE6 8HD


Tel: 01778 343266


Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum

Any member of the public can attend all Council and Committee meetings to see the work of the Council.

Full Council meetings are held on the last Thursday of each month which start with a 30 minute public forum for questions and issues to be raised.

Minutes of Deeping St James Parish Council Allotments, Footpaths and Open Spaces Committee meeting held on Thursday 20 September 2018 at 7.45pm at The Institute.

Present: Councillors Hall, Stevens, Ward and Thomas Geoff Hurst (Allotments Association Chairman) Carole Bremner (Treasurer of Friends of Jubilee Park). Assistant Clerk


14.19 To receive apologies for absence

Apologies received from Councillor Bowell


15.19 To receive declarations of interest, if any

None received


16.19 To adopt the minutes of the meeting held 14 June 2018

Agreed by all and signed by the Chair


17.19 Clerks report and matters arising not considered elsewhere on the agenda

Councillor Ward has plumbed in a new galvanised trough at the allotments to replace one that was leaking. Two tenants have requested that their full plots be split into two, this has been done and the plots allocated to new tenants. Tenancy agreements were sent out 17 Sept for the year 1 October 2018 to 30 September 2019. The 13th Allotments Association BBQ was held on 19 August, this was well attended. Councillor Bowell, Councillor Hall and Councillor Hardy represented DSJPC. The Chairman of DSJPC presented the trophies. It was agreed that any broken play equipment in DSJ playgrounds should be replaced as soon as possible so that the children can benefit and enjoy.


18.19 To receive any comments from the Allotments association and make any recommendations to Council

Geoff Hurst thanked the Councillors for supporting the Allotments Association BBQ. It was agreed that a skip could be provided at the allotment site week commencing 5 November 2018 for one week and new allotment holders will be given priority. To advertise vacant allotment plots Geoff suggested that a display could be put on at the library to encourage people to sign up – this will be decided when all rents are received and it is better known how many vacant plots there are, if any.


19.19 To receive any comments from Friends of Jubilee Park

Carole Bremner informed the committee that all funds have now been received towards the trim trail and these will shortly be transferred to the Parish Council ready for purchase of the eight pieces of equipment. A meeting has been arranged for 26 September 2018 when a provisional positioning of the equipment will be decided. Following this a map and letter will be prepared and delivered to residents to ask for comments. Provision of an electricity power supply point on Jubilee Park will be investigated and budgeted for to allow for access when events are held on the park. Councillor Stevens agreed to speak to SKDC about the trimming back of hedging. A donation of a bench by The Deepings Lions was discussed and it was felt that a metal one rather than wooden would be most appropriate, bearing in mind that it would also need to be in keeping with benches already in situ on the park.


20.19 Budget to receive details of the position to date, estimated outturn and budget forecast for 2019/20 and make recommendations to The Finance & General Purposes committee

The figures were noted and a proposal to Full Council will be made as below -

Proposed Expenditure for 2019/2020

Item Budget

Maintenance & Misc - £3000.00

Tree, Hedges, Bulbs & Wildflowers - £1400.00

Riverbank Maintenance - £1500.00

Jubilee Park - Provision for electricity supply

Allotment Improvements (Ear marked reserves for roadway) - £1000.00

Flag Pole/Storage Shed - £2000.00

Total - £9900.00


21.19 Dates of the next meeting – Agreed

January 24 2019

June 20 2019

September 19 2019


Meeting ended 8.30pm