AC September 2023 Agenda

Dear Councillors Bowell, Fowler, Halls, Rose and Shinkins-Hoppe.  
Assistant Clerk Louise Brown.
You are hereby summonsed to attend the next meeting of the Allotments Committee on Tuesday 12th September 2023 at 8:00pm at The Institute.
10.24 To receive apologies for absence.
11.24 To receive declarations of interest, if any.
12.24 To adopt the minutes of the meeting held Tuesday 23rd May 2023. 
Please see appendix 1.
13.24 To receive reports from the Clerk.
Plot Numbers have been received from Men in Sheds and delivered to the allotment site on Sunday 13th August with cable ties to attach, an email has gone out to all tenants, to advise that they are there.
Plot 32B
The Allotments Association requested the removal of the planters from plot 32B as they had become a health and safety hazard.  The Council had previously agreed that these planters would be removed, but were awaiting a lull in the maintenance team’s schedules to complete the job.  The Allotments Association were given the go-ahead to make a start on removing the old planters and leaving the soil for the maintenance men to remove in readiness for the Allotments Show.  The maintenance men have begun removing the soil and will continue until the job is complete.
An email was sent out to tenants asking not to leave useful belongings outside the shed in the car park.  They were also asked not to leave rubbish outside the maintenance storage container and finally, to advise council of any illness or long-term holiday/time away that may affect tenancy conditions.
The Assistant Clerk contacted Cllr Fowler to approach contractors for concise quotes regarding Roadway 1.
At the June Full Council, it was agreed to make changes to the Tenancy Agreement and also to raise the Tenancy Rents by £2 per full plot and £1 per half plot, to commence September 2024.
Contracts were sent out to tenant’s week ending Friday 18th August 2023.
On the 28th July 2023, the Parish Council received a report of a piece of shiplap having been removed from a shed and therefore the contents of the shed could be viewed.  An email was sent to all tenants asking them to be vigilant; not to leave valuables on site and to report any stolen belonging to the Police and the Parish Council.  No further reports have been received.
Wasps’ nests have been found and reported to the Parish Council.  The Parish Council contacted SKDC for information, where they advised they no longer have a pest control dept, so the issue falls to the public to manage privately.  The Parish Council then checked with LALC (Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils), and they advised that the Parish Council should take on the responsibility.  Finally, the NSALG website was viewed and it states; if the nest is causing no harm, leave it, as the wasps’ finish in winter and whilst active will eat the aphids.  The outcome appears to be that if wasps are a problem contact the Parish Council who will find a contractor to deal with the issue, otherwise, leave the wasps be.  An email was sent to all tenants to make them aware of wasps on 31/07/2023.  Further information needs to be sent to inform tenants of this status.
Allotments Show 13th Aug 2023
The Allotments Show was attended by Cllr Halls and the Asst Clerk.  The Winner of Allotments Show, Best Plot Award went to plots 60B, 61A and 61B collectively, and they won the large cup, the small trophy to keep and £20 waterside gift voucher.
Second place went to 59A, with a £10 waterside gift voucher and third place went to 52B with a £5 waterside gift voucher, finally Best Newcomer Certificate was given to plot 57B.
14.24 To receive a report on progress with reallocating Allotment plots, together with an update on current tenants.
As at 5th September 2023, we have 116 plots currently available for tenants:-
(Not including club house and DSJPC land).
8 plots are full sized.
108 plots are half sized.
8 tenants have two half sized plots
3 plots are shared between 2 tenants
2 plots have been relinquished/reclaimed during renewals. 
31 plots taken by Market Deeping tenants.
82 plots taken by Deeping St James tenants.
1 plot is taken by Deeping Gate.
The waiting list status is currently at 42: -
8 people waiting from Deeping St James.
14 people have a plot and are asking for another.
20 people waiting from Market Deeping and surrounding areas.
15.24 To receive and discuss the reports from the Allotments Association and make any recommendations to Council.
Please see appendix 2.
16.24 To receive a report of the budget position to date and expected outturn for the financial year 2023/24. 

Expenditure 2022/23 

 Item  Budget   Actual  Variance   Still to pay

 Grounds   Maintenance

 (Skip, hedge,   repairs  to tanks,   water bill etc).

 2,500.00   702.54   1797.36  Hedge payment, 3 x water bills, skip, plot numbers.

 Allotment   Improvements

 (Roadway) - includes reserve pot (£3,000)

 5,000.00    5,000.00 Roadway 1.
 AA Membership Fees  550.00  15.00   535.00  
 Balance  8,050.00  717.64  7,332.36  

Income 2022/23 

 Item  Budget  Actual  Variance  Still to receive
 Allotment Fees  4,500.00  130.00   -4,370.00   
 AA Membership Fees   500.00  10.00   -540.00  
17.24 To consider budget estimates for 2024/25 and make recommendations to the Finance, Policy and Personnel Committee.
18.24  To consider offering plot 32B to the Allotments Association for rent on a yearly basis, to use for their events.
19.24 To consider integrating a period of 8-weeks at the start of a tenancy, to see if a tenant wishes to keep the plot that they have taken on.  Perhaps paying a deposit and returning it if the tenant decides against continuing.
20.24 To consider writing an Invasive Plants Policy.
21.24  To consider raising the rent for plots based upon a budget appraisal completed in June 2023.  
Please see appendices 3 and 4.
22.24 To consider any amendments to the Tenancy Agreement.
23.24 To consider the quotes for Roadway 1.
This agenda item may not be ready.  Cllr Fowler is chasing contractors for updated quotes.
24.24 To agree date of next meeting.
Tuesday 16th January 2024.


Appendix 2

Allotments Association Report – September 2023

The period since the last Parish Council meeting in May has been a busy time for plot holders with plenty of activity and growing taking place. 
These are some of the activities our committee have been involved with during the last 3 months: 

We held a cakes and coffee morning in July including a nature hunt for children which was very successful and well attended. This was intended to be a get to know you session as well as a social event.

We held a visit from the 8 square hole club which is a dementia support group.

We arranged and held our annual Allotment show which was well attended including awards and cups for several categories including overall points winner. best exhibit and best plots. A separate category was also held for children. We appreciate the support given and the attendance of the Parish Council.

We arrange and provide woodchip for plot holders.

We arrange and sell Alpaca manure.

We publish a monthly newsletter for all plot holders.

We also have our own Facebook website to keep plot holders informed. 

Repairs have been made to our club hut steps to improve safety.

We continue to open our club shop on Sunday mornings (we will close for the winter in October). 

We would like to thank the Parish Council for their support and believe the standard of plots are improving ,however, we are still concerned that some plot holders which don't meet acceptable limits may still be allowed to continue.

The availability of the new plot numbers is great and will no doubt avoid the errors of incorrected compost deliveries in the future!    

The removal of the raised beds on plot 32 is also welcome. Members of the committee helped to dismantle some of the beds and judging by the poor state of the soil it was definitely the right action to take.